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Even the most clueless politician knows that animal abuse is fatal for a political campaign. So, how come South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem never got the memo?
By now only someone living in a cave on a remote island doesn’t know this story. And frankly, the lone survivor on said island probably knows it as well.
It involves the mess Kristi Noem made for herself when she published her book No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong With Politics and How We Move America Forward. (The title alone is too long and offputting.)
Advance copies were sent out and the UK-publisher The Guardian got one. Someone read the book and wrote it up. The article focused on a number of incidents involving Noem shooting and killing animals and a pet on her farm.
Most notable was the shooting of a rambunctious 14-month-old female wirehair pointer Cricket about whom Noem wrote, “I hated that dog.” She then went on to describe shooting Cricket in the face as well as an unneutered goat whom Noem also detested. Both animals were shot after being thrown into a gravel pit. The poor goat didn’t die at first, so Noem had to get additional shells from her truck to finish off the goat.
She killed three of her horses as well.